Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society came into being as the Rainhill Trials Celebration Committee in 1977, to work in conjunction with British Rail and the local authorities in organising the 150th Anniversary celebrations in 1979 and 1980. Our interest was in organising an exhibition in the station building, a huge cyclorama depicting the scene at the trials, decorations throughout the village and the co-ordination of a whole series of events during the 12 month celebration period. In all these activities we had the enthusiastic support of St.Helens MBC and Rainhill Parish Council. A book was published, two paintings commissioned and a whole range of souvenirs produced. During the year from October 1979, more than 25.000 people passed through the exhibition, and more than 250.000 visited Rainhill during the three days of the Rocket 150 Cavalcade.
Since then and as part of the objectives of the Society was the education of the public in the history and significance of the Rainhill Locomotive Trials of 1829, through the promotion, support and improvement of the Rainhill Trials Exhibition and the Heritage of Rainhill through the activity of a group of ‘friends’. In 1984, with assistance from St Helens MBC, an 'Exhibition' was located in a former British Railways Mk1 passenger coach at Rainhill Library which included various railway artefacts and illustrations documenting the history of the 'Trials'. The Society has continued to maintain and improved the exhibition until early 2024 when the Library was closed. Some of the exhibits are now on temporary display at the North West Museum of Road Transport, St Helens with other exhibits put into safe storage until we move in the future to our new venue at Rainhill Station to re-establish the 'Exhibition' for future generations. As part of promoting the Rainhill Locomotive Trials, this website was created which includes brief history and information of the Trials and its subsequent effect on the world over since those early days. Please see The 'Trials' History link at the head of this page for further details. Over the years to the present day, the Society continues to hold monthly member indoor meetings between October and May, held at the St Ann's Millennium Centre, which feature illustrated talks by guest speakers as well as other social events. During the Spring / Summer months, the Society attempt to organised at least two outings to heritage sites of railway or historic interest each year. Membership of the this friendly Society is open to all and currently only £10.00 per year to join which includes free attendance at the monthly meetings, as well as giving you the opportunity to join in other events and activities. For further details, see 'Membership' link. Looking towards the future, the Society, as well as re-establishing the full 'Exhibition' at Rainhill Station, will hopefully take an active part in the 200th Anniversary celebrations of the 'Trials' and opening of the 'Liverpool and Manchester Railway' in 2029 and 2030. |