This section concentrates on the 'Rocket 150' events and celebrations which were centred mainly around the area of Rainhill including the three day 'Grand Cavalcade' of locomotives and rolling stock that took place on the original site of the 'Locomotives Trials' of 1829 over the Bank Holiday Weekend of 24, 25 and 26 May 1980.
Other events also took place including the display of locomotives and rolling stock after the 'Grand Calvacade' at Bold Colliery and Power Station sidings, St Helens, as well as a series of mainline steam passenger trains between Liverpool and Manchester on some Sundays, during the summer of 1980. Also some historic locations were also opened to the public for the first time including walks to Cavendish Cutting to view the remains / site of the Moorish Arch and Wapping Tunnels.
Below is a selection of images to remind of those events including some of the literature, posters and tickets in connection with the 'Rocket 150' celebrations and hopefully may provide some inspiration for the organisations and people who wish to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the L&M Railway line in 2030. One can hope.
'Rocket 150' Publicity Material
Rainhill Festival Gala Programme
The 'Rocket 150' Cavalcade Programme
Liverpool & Manchester Railway 150th Anniversary 'Postcards'
The 'replica' Rocket at Bold Colliery during the Celebrations. Image by Peter Hanson (reproduced with permission)
The 'Rocket 150' Grand Cavalcade Programme
The 'Grand Cavalcade' images below were taken over the course of the weekend and provide a record of the majority of the locomotives and rolling stock that participated in the cavalcade between Bold Colliery & Rainhill. All images were taken by Nigel Smart and reproduced here with the permission of his family.
The 'Special' that commence the start of the 'Rocket 150' celebrations.
This poster is currently on display in the waiting room of Rainhill Station.