With the launch of this website in March 2024, it was decided initially and on a trial basis to produce a Society Newsletter at least two times a year in order to keep members a breast of current and future news and events. Updates (when known) will include the new location of our 'trials exhibition', as well as any information on the 200th Anniversary Celebrations of the 'Rainhill Trials' and also the opening of the 'Liverpool and Manchester Railway' line in 2029 and 2030 respectively.
The 'Newsletter' will be forwarded to members by e/mail were provided as well as being available to view on this website. Our first Spring 'Newsletter' is below for the latest news and information. In the meantime, if anyone has news / information that you may think could be useful to be included in a future 'Newsletter', please do not hesitate to Contact us.
Rainhill Railway & Heritage Society Autumn Newsletter 2024
As the nights begin to draw in it’s the time of year when we enjoy welcoming you all back to our varied speaker nights and as you all are aware we have a new venue St Anns Millenium Centre, View Road, Rainhill L35 0LE
Annual Trips During the summer months we have enjoyed two very different trips, an evening to the N W Bus Museum in St Helens and a day trip to Skipton with a journey on the Embsay Steam Railway. I think we can say both trips were enjoyed by all.
Rainhill Trials 200th Celebrations The last six months since our spring newsletter have been very busy. We have been planning with Rocket 200 for the 200th celebrations of the Rainhill Trials to be held in 2029. We intend to have a wonderful weekend when we put Rainhill on the map and make people all around the country aware that the success of the Rocket at Rainhill marks the birth of our modern railways. It seems a long way off at the moment, but before we know it, time will have moved on and the celebrations will be knocking on our door.
New Website Our new website is ticking over nicely. It is updated regularly with all our meetings, events and news. Please take a look. www.rainhilltrials.org
Educational Visit We are continuing to offer educational talks about the Rainhill Trials to schools in the area and have visited a variety of schools during the last few months.
Events We have attended many of the Farmers Markets this summer, a Heritage Day in St Helens and both Rainhill Galas, all of which have been very successful. We have a variety of events planned during the Autumn months and the lead up to Christmas.
Saturday, 14th September: Free Heritage Day- Catalyst Science Discovery Centre Museum, Mersey Road, Widnes. WA8 0DF. 10.00am - 4.00pm Saturday, 2nd November: Farmers Market, St Anns Millenium Centre, Rainhill. 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday, 30th November: Rainhill 'Christmas' Model Railway Exhibition, Rainhill High School, Warrington Road, Rainhill, L35 6NY. 10.00am - 5.00pm (NB: New Venue). Saturday, 7th December: Farmers Market, St Anns Millenium Centre, Rainhill. 9.00am - 1.00pm
We look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 7th October at the St Ann’s Millenium Centre, Rainhill commencing at 7.30pm.
Many Thanks once again, Dave and Rhian.
Spring Newsletter 2024
As this is our first newsletter, we would like to say a big thank you for all your support this last year. It has been nice to so many familiar faces and new faces attending our evenings with our various guest speakers.
Exhibition Update The last five months have been very busy securing all our artefacts, the larger items are now on loan and displayed at the N W Transport Museum, St Helens for the time being before they head back to Rainhill to relocate when our new venue is ready at Rainhill Station. We are only at the beginning of the journey; a lot of time and effort is ahead before the large shunt into the station.
New Website We are very proud to announce our new website is now live, thanks to one of our society members who has spent a great deal of time building it and helping it to go live. A very big Thank You. Please make sure you have a browse. www.rainhilltrials.org
Educational Visits We are now offering educational talks about the Rainhill Trials to schools in and around the Liverpool and St Helens area. We have already visited two schools earlier this year and have been given good feedback which we have been really pleased to receive.
Events In March we had a successful two-day event at the Rainhill Model Railway Exhibition. In April we were at the Farmers Market which we will attend throughout the year. May is a very busy month for us with various events.
Saturday, 4th May: Rainhill Farmers Market, St Ann’s Millenium Centre. 9.00am - 1.00pm Sunday, 5th May: Rainhill Hall - 200 Years Celebration Event. 12.00pm – 4.00pm Saturday, 11th May: St Nicholas Church Fair, Windy Arbour Rd, Whiston. 11.00am – 4.00pm Saturday, 25th May: St Helens Heritage Day, Town Hall, St Helens. 10.00am – 3.00pm Monday, 27th May: Rainhill Gala, St Anns School Field, Rainhill. 11.30am – 4.30pm
This year we have organised two outings. Monday 3rd June an evening to the N W Transport Museum, St Helens on a Vintage Bus from Rainhill Station leaving at 6.30pm. A chance to visit our artefacts from the exhibition. Just £5.00 per person.
On Saturday 13th July we have organised a full day outing, a return journey on the Embsay Steam Railway and then free time in Skipton all for £36.00 per person. Leaving Rainhill Library, View Road, Rainhill at 8.00am.
Our programme for October 24 to May 25 is fully booked. It will be posted on the website soon.
Many Thanks once again, Dave, Rhian and all the committee members.