The following written extract from the Rocket 190 'Events Supplement' by Brian J Heydon, the Chair of the 'Rocket 190 Steering Group' provides a brief background and hopes of the celebrations that took place between 25 to 27 May 2019 in Rainhill. Further below is a selection of images in connection with the celebration along with those taken during the 'Parade' on Sunday, 28th May 2019.
Back in 2015 the Parish Council and the Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society (RRHS) looked at how best to mark the 190th Anniversary of the 1829 Rainhill Locomotive Trials in 2019. Rainhill Parish Council saw the need to cement Rainhill’s unique position in World Transport History and to provide opportunities for the many Voluntary Organisations in Rainhill to promote their operations and to lay significant groundwork for major celebrations in 2029 for “Rocket 200”.
The Parish Council delegated myself and Cllr. Derek Long to work with Chris Tigwell and Barrie Rushton from the RRHS. We formed a Steering Group which was soon extended to include representatives from Rainhill’s many voluntary bodies, including representatives from Rainhill Rotary (Tony Lewis and Paul Worrall), Rainhill Gala Committee (Steve and Zoe Clarke) and other volunteers. For its part, the Parish Council committed significant resource time from councillors and crucially from the Clerk, Gillian Pinder, together with vital financial support.
As the months past and following a number of meetings with Rainhill’s many organisations, the Programme of Events you see in this supplement has been developed. As a key focus for the event, the Parish Council contacted The National Railway Museum in York to request the loan of the full scale Replica Rocket built in 1979 for the Rocket 150 celebrations.
Negotiating the Loan of the Replica has been a daunting process leading to many sleepless nights. However, we now have it secured and the “Rainhill” Replica Rocket will return for the first time on Saturday 25th May 2019 taking pride of place near the ECO garden in Exchange Place.
We are now approaching the culmination of 4 years hard work involving the Parish Council, our Parish Clerk, the Steering Group, representatives from Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society, Rainhill Gala Committee, Rainhill Rotary Club, the Civic Society, both branches of the Women’s Institute, The Garrick Society, Rainhill High School, the Towns Women’s Guild, the churches, the Local Model Railway Clubs, local singing groups, local football teams and other organisations featuring in the Events Timetable. All of them are now geared up to delivering a fantastic week-end. In addition, as this major heritage event for the District draws near, St Helens Council have lent their support, guidance and resource which is much appreciated.
Over the weekend it is important to bear in mind that Rainhill Village is a conservation area with very limited parking. By all means bring along friends and relatives from outside Rainhill, but please ask them to use public transport, not their cars.
We are so grateful to everyone who has devoted time to this project and it promises to be a wonderful week-end of celebration.