The Society has elected officers who form the committee which operates on behalf of the members. With the exception of the 'President' which is an honorary position, all other committee positions are subject to approval by the members at the Annual General meeting which is normally held in December each year. Below is the names and position held of the current committee.
Officers. The President: Mr C Tigwell Chairperson: Mrs R Wood Vice-Chairperson: Mr D Wood Secretary: Mrs B Nixon Treasurer: Mr D Locker
Committee Members. Mrs R Wood (Events and Public Relations) Mr D Wood (Events and Public Relations) Mr R Fellowfield Mrs A Lamont Mr N Ravenscroft Mr B Rushton Mr D Hendrick (Parish Council) Mr G Ward (Parish Council)
The Constitution
NAME: The name of the Society shall be THE RAINHILL RAILWAY AND HERITAGE SOCIETY, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Society.’
AIM: The aim of the Society is the education of the public by promotion, support, assistance, and improvement of The Rainhill Railway Museum through the activity of Society members.
OBJECTIVES: The Society shall have the power to:- a. Encourage, promote, and assist in the Society’s continued support of the ‘Rainhill Railway Museum.’ b. To further develop educational purposes of the Rainhill Railway Museum and periodically enhance the facilities within it. c. Appoint representatives and delegates to any other bodies with whom the Society may be concerned. d. Engage in, support and co-ordinate research, publishing, education and advertising and other work to fulfil our above aim. e. To raise funds to support the above by any appropriate means. f. Take any lawful action to achieve the above aim.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the Society shall be open to all individuals aged 18 years and over. ‘Associate’ membership shall be available to all those under the age of 18 years. The society supports an equal opportunities policy that states that everyone will be treated as equals and welcomed regardless of their race, sex, gender, creed, or disability.
COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consist of the following officers and members. Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and eight ordinary members, at least one of whom shall represent the Rainhill Parish Council. The Committee shall be elected at each Annual General meeting and shall hold office for one year. All officers must be members of the Rainhill Railway Heritage Society. The Society may also elect a President, who shall normally be a member of the Society. The President shall be elected annually, at the Annual General Meeting. The retiring President shall be eligible for re-election. The duties of the President shall be: 1. To take the Chair at the Annual General Meeting, if requested by the Chairperson. 2. To represent the Society on any occasion the Committee may deem appropriate. The President may attend any committee or sub-committee meeting but shall not vote at any such meeting.
SUBSCRIPTION: The Annual Subscription of the Society shall be such a sum as may be fixed at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions shall become due on October 1st in each year. Members whose subscriptions are two months in arrears shall receive a polite reminder.
MEETINGS: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Secretary shall give 14 days’ notice to all members for the Annual General Meeting of the Society, which shall be held during the month of December. The Annual General Meeting business shall be to receive a report from the Committee, to receive the Annual Accounts, to appoint Auditors and to consider any proposal of which due notice has been given. The business shall also include the annual election of Officers and Committee members. If an AGM cannot be held on the due date due to circumstances beyond the control of the Society, it will be held as soon after as possible. In any AGM 10% of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS: The Committee may at any time within 14 days, after receiving a request in writing by any 10 members, summon a Special General Meeting of which not less than 14 days’ notice shall be given by the Secretary to each member, specifying the business to be transacted.
COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Committee meetings should be held at least once a month. Four members shall constitute a quorum and in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, those present may elect a Chairperson for the meeting from among their number.
ACCOUNTS: The Financial Year of the Society shall be from October 1st to September 30th of the following year. All funds and assets in the possession of the Society shall be held, paid, and applied as the Committee may direct within the objectives of the Society. All funds shall be held in a separate bank account in the name of the Society, with such bankers as the Committee shall from time to time direct. All cheques drawn on such bankers shall be signed by any two of the following signatories of the Society, President, Chairperson or Treasurer.
COMMITTEE POWERS AND DUTIES: The Committee shall have the general management and direction of the funds and affairs of the Society, and in particular without prejudice. a. May nominate any of its members to serve on another body. b. May pay the whole or any part of the expenses of any member in or about the execution of his functions and duties on behalf of the Society. c. May make and from time to time vary rules consistent with this constitution. d. May fill casual vacancies from time to time in its membership. e. Shall approve membership of the Society.
AUDITORS: Up to two Auditors, who need not be members of the Society, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION: No alteration may be made to this constitution except by, and with the authority of, a resolution submitted in writing to the Secretary.
NOTICES: Notices to members shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by email or ordinary pre-paid post to the addresses registered on their membership forms. The Constitution is to be signed by three officers of the committee. If any of them leave the Society then the constitution will be reprinted, and new officers will sign and date the new copy.
DISSOLUTION: The Committee shall, if it becomes necessary to dissolve the Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society, pay the surplus funds of the Society toward such other charities as the Committee shall in its discretion decide.
New Officers elected December 2023. Date Amended January 2024.
Signed by: Chairperson: R.A.Wood. Secretary: B.Nixon. Treasurer: D.Locker.Date of Signatures:January 2024.